Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


As in shallow depth of field.  As it turns out, I missed the eyes and focused on the nose.  And because I have been buried in editing dog photos today, I didn't have the time or ambition to try again.  Besides, I caught Charlie in mid-yawn and that is always fun.

I have gotten through the first edit of my images from yesterday and am below 1,000.  Obviously, I have a lot more editing and sorting to do, but at least the first pass is done.  My workflow is pretty simple - I delete everything that isn't good on the first pass.  On the second pass, I will take more time to do side-by-side comparisons to narrow down the best of a particular pose or subject.  Once I've gotten to that point, I will go in and tag each image with dog breed, dog name, and event number (there were 10 events yesterday). Finally, for dog events, I will try to go through to make sure I don't have shots that look like duplicates.  That always takes time because I need to batch, for example, all the German Shepards named Yaeger together and look at them as a group.  Although it sounds laborious (and it is!) I actually don't mind it. With each pass, I tweak exposure, remove distracting elements, crop and do other basic edits.  

Needless to say, I've not gotten anything else done today!


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