
By Scobes


....after an unremarkable breakfast with no views of England due to low cloud, Nancy and I compared calendars for the month and agreed the format for Christmas Day. We'll wake in our new home then take a prepared festive meal north to Embra to her aunt's house. Owen will join us there before we three return to Bozzels for cheese and port. Nancy's aunt has joined us for Christmas Day for as long as we've hosted it, but her heart condition makes travel difficult now. 

Then it was off to Tweedbank for Nancy to collect her Live Borders (gym) card and then to the excellent Gala Dump to dispose of the ancient Z-bed we found in the attic. 

Regrettably, my favourite leather belt burst on Saturday, it's served me well under a heavy burden, so I collected a new one from a shop in Gala town centre and then home to prepare our evening meal.

Our neighbour, Charles, popped-in briefly to discuss options for remaining telephonically connected in Australia when he goes on holiday and then it was feet-up to watch Masterchef before it's cancelled. 

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