
By LifeLines

Peaceful morning

It felt chilly when I got up to feed Merlin at 7am. I like getting up at this time in the winter as it means it’s possible to see the sunrise. There’s something magical about that time of day.

I usually sit quietly and look out over the garden while I drink a mug of tea and eat a bowl of porridge. Then I catch-up with the news and Blip before getting on with the day.

This morning that included making a new batch of hummus and coleslaw, then embarking on the morning dog walk - which today was a trudge around the boggy meadow. We repeated that exercise this afternoon as the sun was setting.

Our advent tea today was a Japanese sencha - a green tea.

Good to:
- Harvest fresh leeks and parsley from the allotment.
- Fill jars with dried herbs from the garden.
- Clear out more cupboards and draws. I’m trying to declutter.

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