Those Big Ole Rainclouds.....

...a with a touch of a rosy glow @ Hastings Point

I climbed up to the top of Cabarita headland this afternoon...such an amazing place.
When up the top there is something that happens with the acoustics and the sound of crashing waves both North and South seem to disappear giving way to a deeper rolling of the ocean sound..hard to explain.

I went looking for wales and dolphins but no luck.

After not that long the rainclouds opened up and all this water just dumped all over me.

We then drove to the headland at Hastings Point...I just got everything set up with tripod .......and it decided to dump down again.
Besides getting wet it really was a beautiful afternoon..the clouds and light was just so delicate and lovely.
........And I have scoped out some more blipping areas.

"In the house of lovers,
the music never stops.
The walls are made of songs,
and the floor dances."
~Rumi (not the dog)

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