Splendor in and on the River @ Brunz.......

......with 2 beautiful Dolphins.........
that were so mesmerizing to watch I forgot to take any pics of the sunset...the water was so clear we could see the graceful curves of the dolphins path through the water.

Splendor....what to say? not far from us there has been a huge festival on called 'Splendor in the Grass'......mostly for teens and early twenties and a few of the oldies around the place that like to go to festivals and have the bottle for it.....Dont ya S...ya groovy old thing (if your reading this).

I digress...... because of this festival I got pulled over by the coppers and got breath tested...I was so surprised when I only had to count to five rather than blow into a bag (glad my memory was working).

This image looks so peaceful...you cannot hear the horrid thumping music going on at the after party. The birds have flown but the dolphins are jiving under the water not giving a toss.

My heart has become a bird which searches in the sky
Every part of me goes in different direction..
is it really so ?
that the one I love is everywhere?
~ Rumi (not the dog)

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