All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

2nd attempt cake!

Another manic day at work with no blips taken. One of my colleagues asked if I could drop off some beauty products an ex-colleague and friend of ours had ordered from her, so I stopped off at her house on the way home on the off chance she'd be in. She was, and I ended up going in for a long natter.

Hubby phoned me just after I left to find out where I was 'cos he had got my dinner ready for me and I was late!! Eh? He NEVER has dinner ready for me! Not only that, but when I got back I discovered he had done a load of washing, hung it up, cleaned the cat litter tray, hoovered the whole house, bought a carpet cleaner on a home shopping channel and made another cake - all of these things are unusual for him!! (His last attempt at cake making on Sunday didn't work as well as he had hoped, but I have to say this one was pretty nice). I'm starting to think my real husband has been abducted by aliens haha!

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