Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

View over the dam

Another very hot day, 31C. After breakfast Gavin, Thomas and I went for a walk, on a trail on the mountain above the village looking down. It was not a very strenuous walk but in this heat it was a relief to get back to the cool of the apartment. Tomorrow the forecast is 13C with rain - that is the mountains for you, it can change by a significant amount overnight. It is forecast to be back to 28C by Wednesday though. This is the hottest summer I can remember here in a long while.

After lunch the boys all went to the pool. Gavin and I went for a while but found it too hot, so I took some photos instead.

This is the view over the dam which is adjacent to the pool - the water level was low as it serves as a reservoir for the village and it goes up and down with usage. This is the same place where Thomas and his friends were on pedal boats a few days ago.

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