Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Blanket Day

Hoo boy, what a night I had last night. Rich was out at his work Chrimbo do, and as such I couldn't really sleep without him there (you can decide whether that's adorable or absolutely sickening), and had just started to doze off when he got back at about 1:15am. I was just getting back to dozing status when my heart decided to bust out some palpitations. I waited 15mins to see if it would rectify itself before getting up to take my tablets. The tablets took well over an hour to kick in, and because I can't lie down when I'm having palpitations, I just sat up doing wordsearches until 3:20am. My heartrate went back to normal but I still had a little residual chest pain and was very sweaty so I stayed up a little longer to have some water and chill out a bit. Annoyingly I was super awake by that point, and the last time I saw the clock before I actually finally went to sleep, it said 4:32am. My alarm went off at 7:05am for work, but it very quickly became clear I was not fit for that at all, so I text the boss and went back to bed after a quick loo trip. It seems I very much needed it because I went instantly back to sleep (very rare for me) and didn't wake up again until 10:30am. The rest of the day was spent safely ensconced in my Sonic The Hedgehog sweater on the sofa, in a blanket, reading and resting. Just started Emma, not sure I actually like it though... 

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