Window Shopping
Grateful of a day away from hospitals. Busy nonetheless.
The day started with Pilates and a walk to and from. The weather was pleasant ( I suspect the peace before the storm!). Decided to pick up a Christmas tree whilst it was dry. Good to support a young farming family that grow their own. I decided that if the weather is as bad as predicted decorating the tree will keep me occupied.
Home to do some more work on the finances. Then a walk in search of a Blip. Rather liked this window asking folk to support local businesses.
Richard had a phone call to book an MRI on the 15th so the consultant worked his magic. Surprised it was so quick. Cooked one of the Kidney Kitchen recipes for tea. They are designed for renal patients. Red Lentil Bolognaise and pasta was enjoyed by both of us.
Battening down the hatches against the storm. Stay safe everyone
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