
By dogwithnobrain

Chubby little cubby all stuff with fluff

Today I turned into the woman in the supermarket that you look at and say 'she came out like that?'

Boy brought me ears back from Disney, I love them so I wore them all day 

No one in work raised an eye brow. I have a series of ears and they are quite used to me coming in adorned with horns, or ears I also have Malifecent ones 

But I left work and had to pick up a couple of bits from the supermarket 

Me, my Pooh ears, my flamenco style black and white dress, my poncho. ( Yes another gift from my Boy, from Machu Pichu) And my trainers.  

I was a sight to behold.  

And I could see I made an impact. 

People walking past gazing at my ears and then casting their eyes down.  And their mouths slowly falling open

I just smiled. Occasionally said 'my ears are gorgeous huh? 

Then I walked into my friend from the office ... And she laughed and said 'oh god you've still got them on'. And I looked in her trolly and said 'and you've bought lots of wine' and I laughed loudly as she insisted she needed one to cook with, one to drink while she cooked and one to drink while eating

Ha ha ha. Yes. I'm sure I shouted 

As I walked out the door, and old man came in ... He stopped dead in front of me, looked me up and down and shook his head and shuffled on.  

The security guard had watched the interaction... And he took turned and looked at me ... From the feet up and as his eyes settled on my ears, his face just lit up. 

A great big grin.  

Many head shakes, many mouth drops but that one genuine smile was worth it 

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