Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A lazy day

Well, the jazz last night was excellent. Though not what I had expected. The group was called 'Havana Swing' so I had in mind a large group of Cubans doing Glen Miller type big band stuff... imagine my surprise when onstage walked four unassuming blokes from Dundee...

Actually, they were marvellous! Two amazing guitarists, who took turns on lead and rhythm, one very laid back clarinetist, who sat with one leg crossed at all times, and double bassist who was also the vocalist. They were Django Reinhardt aficionados, with a few French numbers and other standards, finishing on 'Route 66'. They were very talented and it was a terrific toe-tapping show. We had great seats, too - nobody in front of us. BUT...

Yes - the first half was spoiled for me because I could hear people nearby talking the WHOLE TIME! They were sitting at one of the booths on the side and hadn't come to see the show, evidently. I kept glaring at them. But it was dark.

It always amazes me how people nearer the constant yabberers don't say anything. I remember being at the opera in Verona and the Italians would hiss, "SHHHH!' if anyone (mainly tourists) even so much as rustled their picnic papers. There were many people much nearer than I was. I am so jealous of their ability to tune out and just hear what they want to hear. No. Those people were in the wrong. I wish I had the guts to go and ask them to be quiet!

At half time, I went to find an official and complained. When the band struck up again, their talking continued. A man, who must have been an official, went and spoke to them and it was peaceful for the rest of the show. Actually, two of chatterers left.

Went to look at a couple of flats this afternoon. And yes - you guessed it - we've found the perfect one. Private front garden and small walled shared back garden. Oooohhh!

Popped to see Uncle A. Seems fine. Enjoyed the grapes I brought him. A bit of a lack of info, he feels, but it is the weekend, so the place is deserted of people in white coats wearing stethoscopes.

Popped in to the duck pond on the way home as it had come out hot and steamy again. Silly Mr Swan was seeing how long he could balance on the railing. Not very long.

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