
By Wildwood

Where is the Star?

We bought it our first Christmas together 61 years ago. There was a lovely Scandinavian shop in Berkeley that had lots of beautiful wooden ornaments. Most of the things we purchased haven't survived, but I have managed to keep the star, gluing and taping it together as age and dryness took their toll,  causing it to split. We even tried getting a new ornament for the top years ago, but it just didn't feel right, so we went back to the wooden star.

This year Jim and Dana helped us get all our boxes of ornaments down off the shelf in the garage but I had already decided I was going to edit what I put on the tree this year. I must shave been. in a hurry when I packed things up last year, because they weren't quite as methodically packed and labeled as usual. I have now put on everything I wanted on the tree, except for the star. Searching through all the boxes, as well as other random places I might have decided to put it, have put it have not revealed it. Although I am trying to simplify, I think I will have to go in search of a replacement, as well as a few more red ornaments....

Here is a picture of last year's tree complete with star.

After much discussion, John wrapped the old fashioned  lights around the railings of the porch off the kitchen. I say old fashioned because they are not solar or LED or even battery operated, and must be plugged into a power source. Although we have several outside ones, the other places we considered were not conducive to having a bright orange outdoor power cord running to an outlet. 

With help from Dana, I got a start on ordering gifts for the boys and some ideas for where I can get other things locally. 

For some reason, the days go faster and faster, but less and less gets done. I'm quite happy with our simplifications, but still mourning the lost star....It will probably turn up somewhere unlikely in July while I'm still sweeping up Christmas tree needles....

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