
By tridral

Ychydig o anhrefn ar ben yr ardd

Ychydig o anhrefn ar ben yr ardd A bit of chaos at the top of the garden

“We are co-creators... And that’s the stance we need to learn to move into whatever is happening. Even if we are bystanders we are co-creating. It’s like the audience and the theatre co-creates the performance. We are the audience of these historic developments and to the extent we take an active role it will influence what happens.”
― Tom Atlee

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Gwnaeth y ffens yn ddioddef yn y storm ac es i i ben yr ardd i weld y difrod. Doeddwn i ddim eisiau treulio llawer o amser yna oherwydd roedd y tywydd yn oer iawn. Bydd rhaid i mi wnaeth tipyn bach o waith ar y ffens bob dydd, ac yn rhedeg yn ôl i'r tŷ i gynhesu. Mae cynllun gyda fi i adeiladu rhywbeth gyda hen baletau.

Mae ben yr ardd yn ddiddorol, oherwydd mae'n ben o nifer o arddion, lle pethau tyfu yn wyllt a lle pobl yn ddympiau pethau. Tipyn bach o 'dir neb' weithiau

Mae fy ngherflun 'Moe' yn byw ar ben ein gardd ar hyn o bryd. Mae hi'n (she) mynd yn wyrdd yn raddol gyda mwsogl (neu gen).

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The fence suffered in the storm and I went to the top of the garden to see the damage. I didn't want to spend much time there because the weather was very cold. I will have to do a little work on the fence every day, and run back to the house to warm up. I have a plan to build something with old pallets.

The top of the garden is interesting, because it is the top of many gardens, where things grow wild and where people dump things. A bit of 'no man's land' sometimes

My 'Moe' sculpture lives at the top of our garden at the moment. She (she) gradually turns green with moss (or lichen).

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun 'Moe' ar seddau ar ben yr ardd, gyda chragen a dail. 

Description (English): 'Moe' sculpture on seats at the top of the garden, with shell and leaves. 

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