
By Wildwood

The Spike Walk Hill

Well today didn't exactly turn out as planned. We got our act together fairly quickly and went over to Spring Lake so that Spike could have a good walk before I had to go to Pilates. It was quite chilly and I had wet hair, so the pace was more like a forced march, particularly for me as everybody complains that my normal walking pace is too slow. Today's picture is of the little hill we walk around to go to Spike's meadow. The meadow is just around the other side of the hill. The trail is vaguely discernible just below the top of the hill. The body of water in front of it isn't Spring Lake itself but the swimming lagoon which is only open for swimming in the summer. Just as well as it is still quite muddy from the Big Storm.

I had just enough time to get John and Spike back home before turning around and going to class. 

I had just taken my shoes off when Sonia came over and said I wasn't signed up for the class and Beverly, who was standing with her, was. I told her I was sure I had signed up and she apologised and said that I hadn't. Beverly was apologetic too, and class was starting, so I got up and stormed out   gracefully took my leave in bare feet stuck into untied shoes. I was so sure I had signed up that I sat in the parking lot and checked the app we're supposed to use to sign up. All was explained when I realized that I had inadvertently signed up for the 4:30 class instead of the 11 o'clock one. It didn't explain what happened to my favorite pair of socks. 

I'll go back for the 4:30 class. Although 4:30 is way outside my comfort zone usual routine, it might be good for me....and maybe I'll find my socks.

I spent far too long ordering some cashmere hats and gloves for the New York girls and gave up entirely trying to get them delivered in separate gift boxes. But since I don't really know where they will actually be for Christmas sending them to New York seemed safest. Are things really getting more complicated or are they just getting ahead of our ability to keep up? Don't answer that question....

The Amazon guy must be getting tired of driving up our driveway, but he has certainly made life easier for me! I did my best to patronize local shops, but they didn't have what I wanted and Amazon did. There are a number of reasons not to use Amazon, including the fact hat you're never quite sure what you're actually getting. The star I rather grudgingly ordered arrived today. It isn't bad, but covered in glitter so not quite in keeping with the simple, rustic look I was going for.

And now it's about time for me to head back across town for Pilates. I think I'll phone them before I go to be sure I AM signed up for it....

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