a new year!

By Thesalh70

Back to blippin

i realise with one thing or another (holidays, and eye problems) that my blipping hasn't been as regular. that said, i've still taken a photo everyday, albeit sometimes not that exciting, it's just i've not had chance to upload them.

out walking pete early this morning. My monthly project photos needed taking today, and am happy to say there's only 2 months left to do. Waiting to hear from local council about the possibility of me putting them in some kind of local exhibition when they're complete, so fingers crossed.

have been thinking about another photo project, and came up with a fantastic one which would be awesome to do, just not possible yet, due to the location of my subjects! - but now having been awake since 4 this morning, have given it more thought, and can do it on a local, and more low cost level!! I'll reveal it to you on Monday!

went briefly into town this after, now i've stopped the dilating drops i can drive and see much better (still taking the maxidex 6 times a day).

stopped at the Cattle Market, and with it being a Sunday, it was deserted. not that there's any cattle sold there anyway these day. still a nice place, and the clouds make the picture for me.

The Old Nottingham Cattle Market

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