a new year!

By Thesalh70

lets roll the dice and off we GO!!!

sooo my new project is revealed! The day before our holiday this year, i downloaded Monopoly for Ipad. Never have time to play games, but as i was on hols, and totally relaxed, i became quickly obsessed with it...and so did Li!

anyway, i started thinking about a project, and thought how fab to visit every place on the monopoly board, and photograph it....and one day i will, but need at least a week down in the smoke to do that, and not got the holidays this year!

so, second best option, is the Monopoly Nottingham Edition! see the link.
Monopoly Nottingham Edition

I've rolled a 6, and so (fingers crossed and hospital appointment permitting), i shall start the car, tip my top hat, and stick the boot in with a visit to Robin Hood's statue tomorrow.

back to today though, and good to be back in the office. wandered out at lunch to post off my photo entry to the National Portrait competition, and then treated myself out of some vouchers i'd got to a new flash for my camera. Hot and rainy as i wandered back, and still we are seeing flash storms and thunder.

Gave Greg a lift home from town - he started his new job today.

then home to mums, for dinner.

off now to plan my board strategy!

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