Walking in the air in the park
The day started with a lie-in. When I surfaced, it was to marzipan the cake and 'ice' it with snowdrifts of icing sugar. Later I added some ribbon around the sides and put the trad figures on top..I was pleased with the result. Would prefer to ice it, but Steve doesn't actually eat the icing, so what's the point?
I'd started cleaning the huge mirror in the sitting room when GG turned up. We went to the big supermarket to buy some bits and bobs, before going to Stratford park for a quick walk. GG insists on walking beside water, so we headed off towards the lake, and then up by the stream. I could see the men in hi -viz jackets ahead, which indicated that the miniature railway was running. We watched a few men tinkering with the King Arthur class engine 'Sir Valent' (Southern region) which was not performing as expected. It was by far the coolest engine. Two other engines were pulling 'carriages' full of children and adults around the track. We walked alongside. GG offered to take me on a ride, but then we realised we had no cash. Oops. As we wandered around, GG insisted on waving at every train and shouting at the 'passengers ' "Wave! You must wave!". I reminded her that not everyone has seen The Railway Children, which is now 54 years old.
Next stop the museum in the park, where we had a hot drink in the garden, before heading up to the education building, where we saw a a willow star-making activity in progress. We took a chance and sat down, ended up making two stars each! GG shies away from using her right hand, as she broke her wrist 3 years ago, but actually she was a natural, because she's so used to flower arranging. I was slower, because I'm left handed and tend to follow instructions in reverse, but I got there. We were very happy with our finished creations. I've even ordered (since I got home) a set of mini led lights to wrap around one of them.
Then we danced outside to an accordion player's music, and I even persuaded a toddler to dance with me. Back inside the museum, we chatted to some people we knew, before rushing over to see some carollers who were performing some traditional and non-traditional carols. They did a horrid version of the Twelve days of Christmas where a stalker was sending weird gifts such as a coffin and a pair of latex gloves. I didn't find that funny at all, because I was stalked 26 years ago, and never stopped worrying about my stalker until the day I knew he'd died in 2020. I walked away, but I now wish I'd stayed to talk to the band about that song and how unpleasant the memories are for survivors; or at least talked to the front desk staff about their choice of songs. I honestly don't think they'd be joking about being stalked if they had had lived experience of it. Maybe I'm missing the point? I didn't hear the end. Perhaps the stalked got the upper hand in the end. See Incredibish's comments, below.
We came home, and I bustled around until deciding to do a jigsaw. Found a great looking one in my collection of second hand puzzles. Weirdly, when I opened the box, the pieces were sorted into colour themed sections, individually bagged up, but there was no bag of edge pieces! I searched my collection of puzzles but never found the missing bag. I threw out the pieces but I've kept the box, because it's lovely. Wish I could remember where on earth I bought it!
Back to work tomorrow. Uh-oh.
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