The Dingleburn Bluff

Monday is special. The Bossess gets de-splinted today and the B team goes walking and our leader acyclinggranny proposed that we went to the Dingleburn Bluff which is on the Dingleburn Station ( animals not trains) access road / track. This is a perfectly good road (right hand side of the image) and The Boss would have been happy to drive it. In fact the station folk have very large trucks full of wool bales using it but the above distinction is in because some folk around the world might look at it and have trouble with the road definition. It's fine...just don't look down....Errr too often.

I don't need to tell you about the weather...You can figure that out I recon but it was a perfect Wanaka Winter day. We have lots like this. Sorry.

The day was made even more perfect by having a K9 companion in the form of Sam...Now don't get all jealous Bruce HE is just a pup but he is very nice with impeccable Australian manners and a pleasure to be with. He belongs to another Blipper TravellingKiwi so Blip was well represented today.

After burning off all those calories (Kilojoules are better 'Cos there are more of them) with the walking, they all retired to try another coffee joint, I retired to my backyard to be discovered by The Bossess, The Boss retired to TravellingKiwi's just in time to stop Sam bolting and fix their AppleTV, The Painter retired 'Cos he had finished, The Bossess had already retired her alluminium splint thing and another day of adventure had come to a very satisfactory end. The walls are still a bit fresh so I am confident that there will not be a gun fight at the OK Coral and I will be still bedding in the same place tonight.
Tomoro however does concern me and I wonder if Allison has any legal suggestions regarding relocation of domicility without approval of the domiciled?
(Afore mentioned)

Step forward for a bett.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Oh...Maybe not.

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