Depth of Field

I am given to understand that this is the measure of a paddock and is often used in farming circles so I am completely at a loss (so to bark) as to why The Boss has called this, that!

I might point out that he was almost completely at a loss too when he tried to stand up after the photo shoot was conducted at ground zero...Like the Coke...OK? And there was enough noise to disturb the ducks who were slightly up lake and watching both of us with suspicion. Can't say I blame them. The Boss is going to invest in one of those new fangled (and probably not yet invented) hydraulic walking sticks that you grab and press the little red button and it slowly expands pulling you up at the same time.
Patent pending...The Tussock Stick Co (Somewhat Limited).
The delux model has noise suppression built in. (batteries not supplied)

Today was figure out about Macs day for Wanaka SeniorNet on Thursday and so far the only disappointment was that you can't get a desktop icon from a web page and change it's name like an ipad. It just sits there and glares Safari URL at you. You can do folders easily tho so I guess it is time to re-learn about bookmarks.
Hey I encountered ANOTHER TUSSOCK today. It was streaky black and it's owner was slightly stunned when The Boss explained that I was Tussock 'Cos I was Tussock coloured!!!!! Black tussock is usually after a fire. Hmmmmmmm?

Great breaking news. (oh sorry bad choice of words there)
The Bossess finger /arm / body is still too damaged to help The Boss return my house to it's foundations in the entry area so I will still be sleeping elsewhere.......
heh heh heh.

A very loud barking bout for all the rewards bestowed on my lovely pose on the cliff shot from yesterday. I do realise that this was nothing to do with the rest of the image but principally involved with the potential perilous position I was in and the calm and reasoned stance I adopted in spite of the imminent danger just in front. You are a wonderful lot and I will continue to risk my curls in your honour.

Bigger is amazing

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