Allan ym mhob tywydd
Allan ym mhob tywydd ~ Out in all weathers
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Es i i'r siopau heddiw. Roeddwn i eisiau prynu rhywbeth i roi i'r dynion llaeth a'r dynion bin, i wneud 'diolch' am bopeth eleni. Maen nhw'n allan ym mhob tywydd ac rydyn ni'n ddiolchgar iawn.
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I went to the shops today. I wanted to buy something to give to the milk men and the bin men, to say 'thank you' for everything this year. They are out in all weathers and we are very grateful.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Canllaw allanfa frys wedi rhydu ac yn datgelu cotiau blaenorol o baent.
Description (English): Emergency exit handrail rusted and revealing previous coats of paint.
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