Stars and Stories
My main Blip is a screenshot from my phone whilst using the SkyView app. It was very cloudy as it became dark but the app shows all stars and planets together with all the space debris we have sent up there. The image includes what I could see. The lower part shows my bushes and trees.
Saturn and Neptune stand out but would not be clearly visible even on a clear night. All the stars were also behind the clouds, the blue highlight shows Aquarius. The long tube to their right is a rocket body listed as SL-3 launched in 1982 by USSR. There are 100's of these things up there.
In Extras: Some light reading. I received these books from my youngest daughter for my birthday today. I bought them last month and hadn't realised one was a duplicate and another was missing. I emailed the book merchant and they replied very quickly saying the missing book would be sent. I will donate the duplicate to a charity shop as they didn't want it returned.
I can now use my bus pass...
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