A time for everything

By turnx3

Seats with a view

After yesterday’s dismal wet weather, it was wonderful to wake up to blue skies and sunshine this morning, and they stayed around all day. As usual on Tuesdays if we haven’t any other commitments, we headed down to Music Live at Lunch at Christ Church Cathedral. Today was the treble singers from their own excellent choir performing Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, an annual event. There wasn’t lunch offered today, but there were Christmas cookies and decorated cupcakes and brownies, with coffee or hot apple cider. The performance started with the harpist playing four lovely arrangements of Christmas carols. Afterwards, since it was a sunny day we decided to go for a walk along the river, but at one point the path was closed due to repairs they’re doing to one of the bridges. We could have gone round on the road, and back to the river further on, but instead we decided to drive up to Devou Park in Kentucky, which has a great viewpoint over the Ohio River and the Cincinnati skyline, which we hadn’t visited for years. I had seen recently that they had completed a refurbishment of the viewpoint, and they have done a nice job, putting in some swing seats, and a little picnic area. The circular building in the foreground of the shots is a hotel, with a revolving restaurant at the top. Because this hadn’t been on the agenda, I hadn’t taken my camera, so was just using my iPhone, which I seem to be doing more and more. Then it was back home to get on with some jobs

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