
By gennepher


Thank you for all your lovely messages for my blip birthday. I appreciate them and you all. 
I will get back to you later after more sleep...

I came home yesterday (17th Dec, I am writing this on the 18th) from my appointment at the eye hospital absolutely drop dead exhausted.
It was not a good day from beginning to end. 

It was nearly a 12-hour day, because my  appointment over ran a lot. I will write more later I just want to carry on sleeping I've been sleeping the last 12 hours. 

No wildlife video because I've been sleeping. 

A creative... I thought there was not  going to be one for yesterday... But then I remembered. I had stopped in a shop on the way back to the car. It sold crystals and lots of odds and ends of stuff. I needed a break before I got back to the car. I was picking up some crystal bracelets, and I took photographs of them so that I would know the name of them when I got home. I wasn't trying to take good photographs (they are not!) it was just a memory thing for the name of the crystals I bought. The lady whose shop it was, came up to me and said would you like to sit down for a bit, I'll make you a tea,  a coffee,  a hot chocolate... I said tea, and she made me a piping hot mug of beautiful tea. It was so welcome, I just sat there for an hour because I needed to take some time out after my long bad  experience at the hospital. 

Have your best day. 

My day is going to include a lot of sleeping and winding down after my long bad experience at the eye hospital.

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