
By Grammy

The Joy of a Large Family

We’ve had a rainy day. Guess that accounts for my lazy demeanor this morning. It took a long time to start my day. My sister and BIL stopped by to bring us some country sausage they picked up for us. We chatted for a while. She went to the surgeon for a follow up. He put new bandages on her hand and it must be more comfortable. They each took home gifts they really like from the Knights’ party last night. Sometimes they get a dud similar to the watermelon wine I got or the “3D quicksand flow aesthetics” hubby opened.” Why in the world were either of those even made? But we truly don’t care. Folks who got our gifts were thrilled and hubby’s donation was stolen twice. We have more fun with what we give. I’ve started the cleaning/decorating phase at home. It’s like walking on land mines in every room. Jamie wanted a stuffed ham pizza for lunch but he was overwhelmed with work. He offered to buy if we’d pick it up. Hubby had to go near the pizza shop anyway while running errands. Yum! Hubby picked up meds, the last gift card I needed for SIL Mancil and the cash I give the kids for vacations. They only ask for small gifts (two each) so they can take family vacations. Plus, I wrap things like their favorite coffee pods, kitchen gadgets, shop cloths, etc. This year’s most wrapped gift was a windshield cleaner with extendable handle so you can reach those thin areas around the edges. All the grands and their significant others with cars got one. The most important thing is that we are all together having fun for a few hours. The stocking will be opened on Christmas Day at Kim and Kristen’s houses. River and Isla should be at their peak for enjoying the day. River has RSV at the moment. He should be well by Tuesday. Wishing you good health during the holidays. Stay safe. Thank for visiting. “The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.” – Andy Rooney

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