Southern summer solstice
I was finishing my evening chores this evening and thinking about what else, when I remembered that today is the summer solstice for the southern hemisphere. And I had not taken even one photo all day. S suggested I just take a photo of the sky.
Thus encouraged, I went upstairs and out onto the wee deck outside my study. Not impressed with what I could see looking south. Went to the easternend of the deck and looked around the steep roof of the A-Frame, and saw in the northeastern sky reflections of sunlight hitting clouds in the south western sky.
It is undoubtedly no more than magical thinking, but I hope that this photo predicts a better future for New Zealanders than what this appalling government has done so far. They trumpeted loudly when we came out of recession, only for the next report to be of this being the worst recession we have suffered in over twenty years (also with a National Party government).
The colours I saw in the sky tonight are gently, perhaps even fragile. Joining together in opposition to a government which is inserting a provision to sell polytechnics into a Bill aiming to split the national grouping whichhas just bedded in. The Minister introducing the Bill, claims there is no intention to sell any educational facility. As they have let it be known that they will provide more funding for private schools I don't believe that they will not sell (probably at bargain prices) one or more polytechs.
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