The calm.....
.... before the storm, well strong winds, that they've forecast. Bavers, a very good friend, came over this morning to walk with Indie & I. We've got some great memories from our travels. We share a lot of interests so always have plenty to chat about, plus enjoying our immediate surroundings so walks often take longer. Today she picked ivy, catkins, & sprigs of oak for Mum. We had mince pies & clotted cream with Mum on our return. She loves art so happy to browse Mum's colouring in. She provided a few of her books including the Flower Fairies which she really enjoyed.
I did a few jobs for Mum before making her lunch.
Eliza's 6th birthday so planned to drop off her cards & pressies. Ashley messaged me, they have taken the girls to London for the weekend as a birthday treat. They went to Hamley's toy store where she chose a penguin as her present.
Jan, another friend messaged me to say she'd been really poorly all week, noravirus/Covid, so we postponed our catch up.
Back home, sat & did the crossword while having a snack.
Just watched the Strictly anniversary programme. We were away until 2017 so not familiar with the early years.
I love the colours of this bracken
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