Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Red or Blue - Take Your Pick

Wee trip to Manchester fuel terminal this week. Went out after work, to pick up a tennis racket that I had won on an online auction. Managed to capture both sides of the Manchester 'divide' whilst out and about earlier this afternoon/evening.

Still, the question is - who do I support? Well, firstly, being Scotland born and bred, neither of these two teams feature. We do have some rivalry in the fmaily, as Oliver has a penchant for the Red side, whereas, Emma swings in the blue direction - maybe something to do with the old Italian manager.....

As for me, well, I cant afford to watch either of these two, or my own team (hailing from Glasgow, so I'll stick with Olivers own football club. At £20 per month, its much more affordable for me, and guranteed matchside view....

Good night all... Early start for me tomorrow...

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