I was cleaning a few bits and pieces this afternoon, trying to add a bit more sparkle around the place. The George VI shilling isn't proper silver, but dated 1951, my birth year, on the other side. The coronation spoon was from beloved C, I think, and I found the George III shilling in a muddy puddle on a country walk many years ago.
I'm just about to wrap up warm and meet some members of the care home choir to sing half a dozen carols in the front garden of Jim, one of our number who is in increasingly frail health. We thought we'd lost him last year, and then again earlier this year but he's battled on and is miraculously still with us, though now resigned to palliative care. However, his family put their collective foot down and (quite rightly) stopped him coming out with us for our last couple of performances which he was terribly disappointed (and apologetic) about, so we decided to take the choir to him - if we don't get blown away in the process. He doesn't know we're coming, though his family do.
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