Generation Gap

Party day and the weather was kind.
28 members and 4 generations of my family gathered for an un-birthday party for Mum. (5 children, 8 of the 11 grandchildren, 5 of the 6 great-grandchildren and assorted spouses, partners and boyfriends) and had a great day.
Before things got going 4 representatives from each of the middle 2 generations (should have been 1 from the 4th but he was a bit under the weather) ran Carlisle parkrun. We acquitted ourselves well with 3 of the oldies being fastest in their age groups and the youngest would have been if he'd registered and had an official time.
Every adult contributed something and this lovely cake was one offering. Behind it is Mum with 1 month old Robert - I had to have a pic of the oldest and youngest.

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