Skyscraper Detail

Bellingham Towers would look pretty puny next to the 76-story Columbia Center in Seattle, but at 15 stories, it's the tallest commercial building in our city.

Built in 1930 as Bellingham Hotel, it was later redeveloped as a luxury apartment building. Four decades later, the building was renamed the Bellingham Towers and converted into commercial office space.

I love the art deco edifice and in the sunshine today, it glowed -- but it took Dramatic Tone on my beloved Olympus XZ-1 to really bring out this detail.

I'm in mourning because that camera has developed what seems to be a dust spot on the sensor, making a dark blob on most of the photos I've taken with it recently. In some cases, like today, the blob appears in the sky and can be handily retouched, but that's not always possible. So I'm going to have to send it off for repair, and hope that I get it back before we leave on our vacation, just over four weeks from now.

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