Rain with Gale Force Winds

Yap.. So it was out after breakfast Grub or forever miss your walk. Even then it was a tad discouraging to be meeting all my friends coming home as we were setting out. I guess the early dog gets the walk and the worms will get a watering.
The Boss was surrounded by tourists as he set up the tripod and stood there with the camera strap carefully wrapped around the tripod so it wouldn’t swing about in the wind. The Onlookers were impressed when he hung his sling bag off the centre of the tripod but you could see they thought it was way overkill at the time. You can get a tiny tripod pretty stable this way but by the time he had 2 shots on the card…So to bark…things were looking pretty ugly so we fled back home and just beat the downpour. The afternoon was spent helping to configure a fruity TV so Sharna of Tibet could get Tibetan programs to watch like “Breaking awfully Bad”…A gripping story about a Tibetan Terrier that accidently bumped a large urn in a monastery causing it to break and bringing 7 years bad luck on the village which was reversed when the dog rescued a small child that was being carried off by a Yeti.
Right....... AND further more when he got bark I detected biscuit crumbs on his jersey and Sharna on his jeans…Disgusting!

The Rain in Sp.......Oh forget it!

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