On Some Days

By V1k1

Galleries of Pink Galahs . . .John Williamsom

. . . Galleries of pink galahs
Crystal nights with diamond stars
Apricots preserved in jars
That's my home . . .

This is another Australian song. I am very partial to the word pictures John Williamson has in his songs.  This morning we went and picked apricots at the sister in laws.  She is still away and the forester has put two bins in her fridge.  They may or may not last.  In the extra you can see he has attached a tin on the end of a bamboo pole and uses it get the apricots on the high branches.  He can get three at a time.  I did the eating and took photos.
This afternoon we went into the marine shop in Nelson and he bought a new anchor, chain and 70m of rope and two shackles.  We called around to Jen and Paul and gave them a bag of apricots.  The forester is now making jam.  This morning he bottled these jars of apricots.  I think they are bottled sunshine.  Once upon a time that was my role but times change.    

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