
By MerlotsDad

Door II Side I

Its raining & it has been all day so far - I whipped the door off this morning & made a start on the stripping & the oil/varnishing. It really is good stuff but very expensive....I mean very expensive around £68 for 2.5litres. Fortunately I have a man in the trade & my can cost me around about zero! It goes a long way - I'm hoping to do all 10 doors with it, fingers crossed as I would hate to have to buy even a small one !

Mum called in today whilst I was sanding ..she must have known I needed building up as she brought me a fruit cake. She couldn't stop as she had to get to the Farmers Market in the town & then onwards for a fish & chip lunch with 3 of her buddies.

Our oven is playing up so Carol has had to call Tony who knows about these things. Carol has offered to make Nicola's birthday cake for her big do on Saturday. She has had 3 attempts which have all failed - I can't say however that the results were inedible as they were not (yum yum). They just didn't look good & so Carol is going to use Nicola's oven which has probably never been used before !

This morning Carol is taking in some of Daph's dresses by 8inches as she has lost so much weight since she started living at the Care home. I think I may have to go & live there for 6months !!!

Something by The Doors...

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