
By Grammy

RIP Mary

Hubby had an appointment early this morning. The cardiologist wants to monitor his heart again. He’s had several AFIB episodes lately. He arrived at the office to have the monitor put on him only to discover they had scheduled it in the next county’s office and then someone canceled it without contacting him. I’m not sure it has been straightened out yet but he’s been on the phone with them. I put away dishes and other things from the Christmas Eve gathering. When he got home, it was almost time to leave again. A lady who used to attend the “KofC wives, widows and friends” group I led (also a parishioner and friend), passed away a few days ago. Father gave a moving homily about her devotion to Our Blessed Mother, she was such a genuinely reverent lady. Attending a funeral certainly brought reality back in focus quickly. We shopped for a minute, did not buy a thing. My sister/BIL made vegetable crab soup that we enjoyed for lunch. Kristen had shared some of her leftovers yesterday. We were both tired from waking up so early and we took a nap. Dinner will be leftovers from our Christmas Eve Asian buffet. Wishing you a break from all the work involved in preparing for the Christmas season. Stay safe. Thanks for all your Christmas wishes, stars and hearts of late. “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.” - MAYA ANGELOU

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