
By suehutton

Bright, Sunshiney Day

Actually, it wasn't but that was the track playing on the radio while I took this shot with my new x-t5.

I finally got into the shower and then enjoyed my bacon sarnie made by Len.

After watching the original version of The Magnificent Seven, I bestirred myself to make dinner. We had chicken having been next door for Christmas lunch yesterday. I had pre-packed chestnut stuffing, thank goodness. I made more sausage rolls using up the flakey pastry but still have half a packet of sausage meat left over. It'll have to be stuffing balls next.

I've realised that I've been more ill than I thought, a good excuse to take it easy. Halfway through the antibiotics.

I suppose the highlight of the day was being excused Jury Service because of my age. I received the summons on Christmas Eve. Being able to use the internet to acknowledge receipt was of great benefit as I found out straightaway that I was too old.

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