Capital adventures

By marchmont

Blip 5115

Since the first one on 29.12.10 (ignoring the back blips that predated that.

It was an odd kind of day as WH was working this morning which added to the disorientation that always occurs between Christmas and New Year. 

Once up I checked on Nala (still under the sofa), finished my book, then did some laundry and then walked across to Hartamas for roti canai (2) and hot lemon tea at the mamak (extra).  The sun was out so went next door to join #1 son and the girls in their pool, leaving Nala in his box.

Stayed in the pool till after 1 but by that it was cloudy and threatening rain.  WH came home and we had a sandwich and watched 'Big Fat Quiz of the Year'. After a bit I came back to mine to drop of wet togs and check on Nala, who was behind a curtain but he is being a bit more adventurous. Then back to HK for dinner - more Christmas food, though not technically leftovers.  

The girls are back to school tomorrow so I left them getting ready for an earlier night than last night and came back to watch 'Call the Midwife', Pt 2 and 'Outnumbered'.  

Nala is back under the sofa.  

14 years on blip, but 4 is an unlucky number for Chinese people so there are no 4's on the lift buttons on HK:  3A, 13A and 23A.  Happy 13A'th birthday to me!

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