I woke up after 6 and couldn't decide if the noise was the fan or rain. When I got up about an hour later it was clear it was rain, the towers had disappeared, the cloud was low and there was steady rain, not tropical, just wet. It stayed wet and cloudy till lunchtime so I got going and sorted out my One Drive folders, a task I've been meaning to do for ages. Apart from the photos, now done.
Nala has been moving around a lot more but miaowing like he's looking for #2 son.
Spent most of the afternoon in a pool, first one and the HK.The girls were back from school (with an issue about a teacher hitting Amelia in front of #1son) and done their homework and Maths and we're down for swimming practice. Then we played games before going back upstairs for #1 son's carbonara.
Now I'm child sitting while the parents play tennis, under lights. I have my new book!
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