Still growing
Somebody told me recently that there are now places in Scotland that cut grass every month of the year . I think it was to do with public spaces and the different ways of managing them but it was also a reflection on climate change.
In fact I think we could probably cut grass here in Argyll all year round if it were not for the very wet conditions that characterise the winter months (though they are not entirely absent from the summer ones too ).
The green in this picture is grass that has grown from seed in the last two months or so. This bit of ground between the house and the study was in a mess and small trees kept slipping down the banking , so we had it tidied up in October , and sowing the seed was a hopeful but , we thought slightly unrealistic, gesture towards next year's growing season. Surprisingly though it has sprouted and looks as if it will provide good cover next year.
(I know I have mentioned the hand pump before - it is fitted above a 100 metre well - but finding out about using cooking oil to lubricate the leather and about priming with water were major steps forward in making it work , and proof that there are always new skills to be learnt !)
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