I love my veggies
The only photo I've taken today.
A busy day. Laundry done at home, & out on the whirlygig. Down to CK. Stripped Mum's bed, laundry on. Mum showered. Breakfast. Walked Indie. Rog at Mum's when I returned. He'd brought maple pecan Danish. Yum with a coffee. We had a lovely chat with Mum. He stayed a couple of hours. Family time. Can't remember the last time we sat together like this. It felt good. 2nd load of laundry done. Remade the bed while making Mum a roast chicken lunch.
Home, made lunch for hubby & myself. Dropped hubby up to the town to watch Exeter Chiefs with his buddies. Remade our bed, refilled hubby's 7 day medicine box. Prepped dinner, sorted the greetings cards for recycling... NO GLITTER. Put the bins out. Pickled half dozen eggs as you do :-) A friend gave me eggs from her hens, when I already had eggs. Had a go at the Sunday crossword while The Sound of Music was on the TV. I was surprised at how many songs I remembered. We did songs fromThe Sound of Music as a stage show when students on a school cruise. Blimey!!! That was a few years ago.
Picked hubby up from the Con club. Finished making dinner. Baked apple with clotted cream for pud.
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