
By Beewriter

Stellarossa Pom Pom

I think I've found a new species of butterfly.

Stellarossa and I seem to be sharing some sort of sisterly psychism at the moment, we both went after butterflies a few days ago and today it was bees. I was completely lacking in inspiration today, I carried my camera around as I mooched round Bolton with Tracey this morning but nothing caught my eye. I walked to Carole's and saw nothing photo worthy, but when I arrived home and saw lots of bees all over my new lavender I thought I would 'catch me a bee'. They must have known I was on the hunt because they had all buzzed off by the time I went out.

I took some pics of flowers then spotted this butterfly, I'm sure it is a new species and so I think I should have the honour of naming it. So, for my sis, I call it Stellarossa Pom Pom.

Tracey had seen some dresses in Bolton that she thought might be suitable for the eighteen days, aaaargh!!!.............they were nice but not what I want. We had mooch and then decided to grab a sandwich at Dam House.

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