The spirit of Christmas
I don't know what it is about running that makes me so sentimental. I love seeing people out running, and I think the Minx would testify that I rarely see a runner without passing some (positive) comment.
This morning I went to the Parkrun in Peel Park, along with, I reckon, three hundred other people, many of whom were wearing Christmas hats. It was really quite moving.
There was, as usual, a little talk beforehand - some logistics, some encouragement - "and finally, just be kind". *wells up*
Anyway, all that sentimentality to one side, it was a cracking start to the day, after which I walked back home, had a shower, made some breakfast, and started the Christmas preparations, including putting the turkey in.
And then I had a long FaceTime with Izzy in Kyiv, who was recovering from what sounded like an excellent Christmas Eve, and getting ready to go to three different Christmas parties. Work hard, play hard is the very definition of that girl.
The rest of my kids arrived pretty much simultaneously, with Charlie bearing a load of food that she and Hannah has prepared, and we had time for a couple of drinks before serving up.
Lunch was absolutely excellent, and then we had a great time opening presents and spent the rest of the day chatting, although we did make time for the new Wallace and Gromit, which was well received.
I must say I missed the Minx and miniMinx but they also had a great day, and mine was as good as it could possibly be without them.
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