
By H22

Place: Centreville, VA 31/61
Main activity: Mon - packing/organizing, Zoom Michelle D.
Notes: Slept in a bit again. Started in early on the packing/re-packing and downsizing - shown is only the small suitcase (giant green one has been re-packed several times and continues to be). Had coffee late. Michelle went out mid morning and I continued - so much to do and having to eliminate lots. Boiled 6 eggs early afternoon and also made 3 eggs to eat. Took stuff up to Julie's freezer and packed up the water pitcher - hoping everything fits! Zoom w/ Michelle at 3p - went until 420p. Took a shower then and jumped into the web updates for acalltospirit.com while they were still fresh. Michelle headed to play pickleball before 5p. Had quite a bit of time to myself today which was good to focus on packing and then work. Ate a bowl of chili and had yogurt w/ pomegranate and then some of Michelle's almond cake. I was in a very quiet place in the evening - felt a bit out of time and place all day. Michelle ate, showered and then we watched a Big Bang followed by Yellowstone - S5 E1. Was after 9p till that ended and we were both tired, headed to bed. So hard to believe it's the end of December!

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