
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 46/61
Main activity: Sat - around the house
Notes: Slept late, had coffee and did a load of whites. Watched some videos and things around the house. Texted Joe back after his not-great (more passive-aggressive behavior) text yesterday and felt I stated my truth and stood in my power. Called a gallery vol (Jasmine) as she had a lead on a room for rent ... and then called Bobbi, the woman who's renting the room - doesn't sound quite right but will check it out. Around noon, went to check mail and stopped to talk to Wayne & JoAnn for awhile (in 1401) - they had emailed earlier and asked if I was ok - hadn't seen me in awhile. Made chix salad and took a shower. Ate, added chicken soup from way back when ... from homemade bone broth. Quiet rest of the day, jumped on Zoom w/ Jo ~ 615p - 745p. Joe sent an email late evening - it felt toxic so I didn't open it. 

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