Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Nose

Ginger cats are prone to a harmless condition called "lentigo" where they develop freckles on their nose and around the mouth and lips.  This condition occurs mostly in ginger and tabby cats and is a result of increased melatonin production.  Ginger cats with a "red gene" are especially prone to lentigo.  Personally, I like the freckles and think they add some extra character.  For this image, I intentionally focused on the nose, using a wide-open aperture to slightly blur the eyes.  This flies in the face of the usual rules of photography where eyes must always be in focus - the nice thing about knowing the "rules" is also knowing when to break them.  

It is mild again today so Hubs and I both did a little work outside.  In my case, just tidying the beds a little and putting up some barriers to try to get Jax to not pee in the flower garden.  Worse comes to worse, I can always plant more flowers...  After lunch, we took Jax out for a nice snifari walk on the Lane which he enjoyed.  Now he's curled up on the sofa, sound asleep.  

I had ordered a pair of Merrell hiking shoes from Amazon that arrived today.  And as much as I want to like them, they just aren't as comfortable as I'd like, so they are going back.  I think I will maybe try Keens.  I need hiking shoes that are waterproof.  

Our snow is completely gone now, even back in the woods.  We had some fairly heavy rain overnight which finished off the last of the snow and gave the ground a good watering.  

Two more days until 2025...


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