A happy safari day

Today L and I went to the safari park.

L loves giraffes but informed me the other day that she had never seen one in real life.....I felt like a very neglectful mother.....I was sure she had.... and had to put that right! We had the best day....good weather ....lots of giraffes performing beautifully for her!!

In this montage you can see how chuffed L was to see them..... also a few of the other animals we saw. I think L was amazed at how close up she got to the giraffes.

I don't know if I have mentioned but occasionally L does blip too. Here is a link to her site ......Artistmay where you can see her version of today. I know she would be delighted if you stopped by!

We brought home Jilly the giraffe as a wee memento of the day!

All in all a very happy and successful day!

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