That Was The Year That Was
On This Day In History
1984: Subway shooter Bernhard Goetz turns himself in
Quote Of The Day
"India is mostly vegetarian, and I think that will be crucial to changing the world. I think the United States is lost."
(Bernhard Goetz)
Bonus Quote Of The Day
"Ask courageous questions. Do not be satisfied with superficial answers. Be open to wonder and at the same time subject all claims to knowledge, without exception, to intense sceptical scrutiny. Be aware of human fallibility. Cherish your species and your planet."
(Carl Sagan)
Well, I couldn't give Bernhard Goetz the final quote of the year, could I? It was another cleaning blitz this afternoon; our family is a well-oiled cleaning machine! This plate, which resides beside my place at the table, is now pikka-pikka, as is every room in the flat.
I couldn't get to the end of the year without reflecting on the year that's past, but I can sum up this year one word: ALIENS!
The year started off with a whopping BANG when five or six ten foot shadow beings stepped through a portal in Miami Bayside Mall. One hundred police cars showed up for the incident which was later attributed to a dozen or less youths letting off fire crackers in the mall, despite dozens of terrified witnesses telling corroborating stories of five or six ten foot tall shadow beings stepping through a portal generated by a group of five or six teenagers holding a device that looked like a VHS cassette tape which they plugged into a socket in a small garden area. The shadow beings all glitched in and out of reality as they walked through the mall.
The Miami Bayside Mall story sparked renewed interest in a story from 2023 about two or three ten foot tall shadow beings whose spaceship crashed in the garden of a family in Las Vegas. Much of the story was captured on police body cam footage, and the story got some renewed news coverage in 2024 when an expert in film analysis who is often hired by the police to solve crimes determined that the tall shadow being seen on the body cam footage is actually present on scene and no fakery was involved. Take a look here: Las Vegas Alien Video Analysis.
Another big story was Colonel Karl Nell announcing that he has zero doubt that aliens exist, that they have interacted with human beings for some time and that the United States has reverse engineered many vehicles of extra-terrestrial origin. Honestly, when someone of Mr. Nell's military, scientific and intellectual stature says this, you can be pretty much 100% certain it is true.
Another big event in the U.A.P. world was the joint house committee hearing on U.A.P.'s, their threat to national security and the possible existence of the Legacy Programme (reverse engineering vehicles of extra-terrestrial origin) and Immaculate Constellation (a 70 years old classified stockpile of evidence relating to encounters between humans and extra-terrestrials and the methods used to villify and terrorise the witnesses), neither of which have any congressional or presidential oversight. You can watch the full hearing here.
Of course, most recently there has been the swarm of unidentified drones over three U.S. military bases in the United Kingdom, and then New Jersey. It took over three weeks before the mainstream media began to take the slightest bit of notice of these occurences which, whether they involved extra terrestrials or not, indicated an extremely dangerous lapse in national security. Now Christmas and soon New Year have come along and the mainstream media is desperately hoping we will all forget about it (if we even knew about it at all given their heads in the sand approach to the phenomena) but, as social media sites like Caspersight and Mindseed TV continue to show us, not only have the phenomena not gone away, they are spreading around the U.S. and around the world. Indeed, things have reached the point where people are no longer too concerned about the mysterious car-sized "drones" flying about, they are now more concerned about the orbs or plasmoids which are appearing around the world in increasing numbers. Are these plasmoids alien intelligences; I'm almost 100% certain that they are. Interestingly, Tik-Tok has recently tried to prevent its users from searching video of orbs or plasmoids. If you do a search on "orbs," nothing appears; you now have to search for "Di Orb Ags." Now why would Tik-Tok do that, I wonder?
See the latest here:
The MOST AMAZING UAP And Orb Videos You Missed This Christmas
New UFO Sightings and NJ Drone Footage Shocking December 2024 Evidence!
Truly, 2024 was an incredible year and, if Dr. Steven Greer is to be believed, as we go into 2025 things will become even more amazing! I can't wait! I'm going to be up early tomorrow to see the first sunrise of 2025 and by God I will be looking out for plasmoids to rise with it.
Keep watching the skies!
The Invaders
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