All that glitters is not gold.
O hell! what have we here?
A carrion Death, within whose empty eye
There is a written scroll! I’ll read the writing.
All that glistens is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
Gilded tombs do worms enfold.
Had you been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, in judgment old,
Your answer had not been inscroll’d:
Fare you well; your suit is cold.
I did study the Merchant of Venice when I was at school but I have forgotten more than I ever learned about it now. Shakespeare is responsible for the lines above which are from one of Portia's suitors, The Prince of Morocco, who picked a golden casket hoping to contain Portia's picture and thus win her hand in marriage.
Mum was always keen on geology and studied it for a while. Her house is full of samples of all sorts of things and I nearly went for some opal with it's flashing colours but in the end chose this sample of pyrites lit by an LED torch. Thanks for hosting TT during December carolinav particularly when it is such a busy time of year.
Perhaps a resolution will be to look for simple things in 2025. It may also be slightly prophetic as I am hoping to be in Venice later this year.
Happy New Year's eve everyone.
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