curns' corner

By curns


We had to use up some eggs, so I had them for breakfast. There’s a new series of Queer Eye, and we watched the one about the poker dealer. The new ‘Bobby’ will take some getting used to.

After pre-ordering coffee from Starbucks, we walked up to Wimbledon Common and around the Cannizaro House grounds. It’s very wintry; many trees are without leaves, and the ground is a little soggy underfoot. These remarkable red and orange plants by the park’s entrance, which I eventually asked ChatGPT to identify, appear to be dogwood. That technology is quite impressive; the plants are beautiful. It was a perfect winter walk.

Our return path was via Wimbledon, a wander through Wimbledon Quarter, and a small shop at Morrisons, mainly to purchase something to eat for lunch. I decided I wanted to eat more healthily today—and try to use some of our veg box delivery—so I made an aubergine and lentil concoction when we got back. I also made the red cabbage with apples into a side dish for our chicken and roast vegetable dinner. I spent much of the afternoon flitting between the kitchen and watching seemingly endless episodes of Jamie Oliver cooking on The Food Network.

After dinner, we sat to watch Red One. I’m afraid that I didn’t rate it at all and gave up about two-thirds of the way through. PY was most annoyed with me as he’d wanted to watch it for weeks, but I caught him scrolling on his phone, so I am not convinced it held his attention either.

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