Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Red sky at night...

I certainly hope tomorrow will be a shepherd's delight but we certainly can't complain about the weather we're getting at the moment! Even on rainy days there has been plenty of sun and it's still lovely and warm.

I haven't taken many photos recently as I've been extremely busy with work but it's the school hols so I need to try and make more of an effort to stop working and start relaxing and enjoying myself.

I really wish that I'd had my camera to hand last night when I was going to bed as when I looked out of the window I saw a fox run across the road and then back again when it was disturbed by someone coming outside. An amazing sight as I live on the edge of town. I saw a badger once in exactly the same place so I have a quick look every night - maybe next time I'll have my camera ready??

Had a lovely afternoon in Telford today shopping with my eldest and I spent a little bit of time with my brother and his two children later on. We got soaking wet at one point but the rain soon cleared and the sun shone. :-)

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