Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 1

M has been nagging for ages to get his room decorated so, after finishing the bathroom yesterday, I made a start today by clearing out most of the rubbish! (This photo was taken after a lot of tidying up and clearing out was done although it does look like a 'before' picture, I was actually too ashamed of the mess to take an actual 'before' photo!!) The border came off in about 5 minutes after this photo was taken so tomorrow's jobs involve taking down the curtains and dart board, rubbing down the woodwork, filling the holes on the walls and, if I'm not too tired after all of that, painting the ceiling. I really want to crack on with this now so I can relax and enjoy some of the school hols. I can't believe how quick it's going and I've still got loads of school work to do.

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